Hello, my name is Isaac Nicholas Caruso. I’m an artist and creative director based in the Southwest with 13 years of professional experience. I make public art to communicate with communities. The imagery I paint is powerful and uplifting, so that I may transform my surroundings with positivity. My humble service as an artist is to create visual narratives that bind people together. I treat the act of painting murals as a performance piece, by showing my love for the neighborhoods I work with I strive to involve the community as much as possible in my process. Either for the sake of place-making, entertaining, or enhancing the urban landscape, I try to make our world feel more connected through public art.

My previous clients include:



Arizona Commission on the Arts

Arizona State University

The Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona

AZ Humanities

Banner Children’s Hospital

Chicanos por la Causa

The City of Tempe

The City of Tucson


The Desert Botanical Garden

DTPHX organization

The Flaming Lips

Fork and Dagger Hospitality

Free Arts

The Home Depot


Justin Timberlake



The National Endowment for the Arts

Pabst Blue Ribbon

Pedal Haus

Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture

The Phoenix Suns

Phoenix Valley Metro

Pueblo Grande Museum

Roosevelt Row organizatios



Scottsdale Public Art

Scottsdale Fashion Square


Sky Harbor International Airport

Superfly Productions

United Way

University of Arizona

Valley Metro

Z Tejas